News — Chapin SureSpray sprayer
Tips for Maintaining Your Landscaping Structures by Stephanie Rogers
Posted by Jill Yanus on

Landscaping is a bit of a broad term. While it immediately calls to mind tasks such as mowing lawns and pruning trees, it also encompasses more complex projects such as fence additions and retaining wall construction. As such, regular maintenance of all landscaping structures should be a top priority for both private homeowners and commercial property managers alike. To help in this regard, keep reading for a detailed breakdown on 6 tips for maintaining your landscaping structures! Make Inspection Part of Your Routine Many homeowners and building managers make a structural inspection of the house or building part of...
- Tags: backyard garden, best sprayers, bleach, chapin, chapin international, Chapin Manufacturing, Chapin News, chapin sprayers, Chapin SureSpray sprayer, cleaning, Cleaning Sprayers, gallon sprayer, gardening, hand pump sprayer, handheld sprayer, home & garden, homelife, homeowner, industrial, lawn & garden, Maintenance, natural sprayers, outdoor life, professional, sprayers
The Militant Organic Gardener - by Nick Federoff
Posted by Jill Yanus on

Have you ever seen a Militant Organic Gardener? It’s poetry in motion. They can be spotted wielding a sidearm trowel and wearing an expression of determination that could rival any soldier on the battlefield. Their efforts aren’t in vain; they have a passion for chemical free urban farming growing the finest of heirloom veggies. They wage war against certain weeds and embrace the edible ones like dandelion. If there's something in their garden that needs tending to, they'll do whatever it takes to get the job done. Gardening is America’s number one hobby. When people get hit by the bug...
- Tags: backyard garden, beneficial nematodes, best sprayers, chapin, Chapin G362D, chapin hose end sprayers, chapin international, chapin sprayers, Chapin SureSpray sprayer, Cleaning Sprayers, G362D, gardening, hand pump sprayer, handheld sprayer, herbicide sprayers, home & garden, homelife, homeowner, horticultural vinegar, insect control, insects, lawn & garden, natural sprayers, nematodes, Nick Federoff, Nick Federoff Blog, organic, organic gardening, organic lawn care, organic planting, organic sprayers, outdoor life, pest control, sprayers, spreaders, tank sprayers, vinegar sprayers
What to Do If You Keep Seeing Spiders in Your House
Posted by Jill Yanus on

If you are seeing spiders in your house, there are a few things that you should do to remove them. You will want to make sure that you turn off the lights during the night. Also, you will want to trap them in a jar or glass. This will help to prevent them from getting into your home and forming a nest. In addition, you should hire a professional to get rid of the spiders in your home. Trap Them in a Jar or Glass If you are looking for a quick solution to get rid of a spider...
- Tags: backpack sprayers, best sprayers, chapin, Chapin commercial, chapin international, Chapin Manufacturing, Chapin News, chapin sprayers, Chapin SureSpray sprayer, cleaning, Ehrlich Extermination & Pest Control, gallon sprayer, gardening, hand pump sprayer, handheld sprayer, home & garden, homelife, homeowner, insect control, insect sprayers, insecticides, insects, lawn & garden, Maintenance, natural sprayers, pest control, pest sprayers, pesticide sprayers, professional, spider control, spiders, sprayers, tank sprayers, trigger sprayer
Spray An Ounce of Prevention to Kill Off Disease - by Nick Federoff
Posted by Jill Yanus on

It seems so long ago, when news wires were burning up in late January 2020 warning the world about a new killer disease called coronavirus. It’s interesting when you reflect on 2020 articles that the end-of-world was at hand. And, maybe it still is but at the very least we’ve got a better grip on what to do. World pestilence isn’t new. The earth has been bombarded with all types of diseases killing a countless number of people since the beginning of time. Biblical history shares about gnats, flies and locust. Fast forward to1918 and the Spanish Flu crushed the...
- Tags: best sprayers, bleach, CDC, chapin, chapin international, Chapin Manufacturing, Chapin News, chapin sprayers, Chapin SureSpray sprayer, chicken pox, cleaning, cleaning equipment, Cleaning Sprayers, cold & flu, cold and flu, Coronavirus, COVID-19, disinfecting, disinfecting with sprayers, disinfection, gallon sprayer, hand pump sprayer, handheld sprayer, home & garden, homelife, homeowner, Manufacturing, Nick Federoff, Nick Federoff Blog, professional, sprayers, thank you, Things Green, trigger sprayer, viruses