News — home & garden

The Organic Garden for Beginners - by Nick Federoff

Posted by Jill Yanus on

The Organic Garden for Beginners - by Nick Federoff

I’m so excited that you have decided to take the plunge to start your own organic garden. Growing an organic garden is a great way to create a healthier lifestyle while also helping the environment. If you’ve never grown a garden before, let alone an organic garden, it might seem kind of daunting. No worries, we’ll ease you into the process and before you know it, you’ll be a pro, and a living example for your family, friends and neighborhood. Organic gardening has been around since ancient times. I’m certain the Cro-Magnon man spit some seeds out and that’s how...

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Tips for Maintaining Your Landscaping Structures by Stephanie Rogers

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Tips for Maintaining Your Landscaping Structures by Stephanie Rogers

Landscaping is a bit of a broad term. While it immediately calls to mind tasks such as mowing lawns and pruning trees, it also encompasses more complex projects such as fence additions and retaining wall construction. As such, regular maintenance of all landscaping structures should be a top priority for both private homeowners and commercial property managers alike. To help in this regard, keep reading for a detailed breakdown on 6 tips for maintaining your landscaping structures!   Make Inspection Part of Your Routine Many homeowners and building managers make a structural inspection of the house or building part of...

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The Militant Organic Gardener - by Nick Federoff

Posted by Jill Yanus on

The Militant Organic Gardener - by Nick Federoff

Have you ever seen a Militant Organic Gardener? It’s poetry in motion. They can be spotted wielding a sidearm trowel and wearing an expression of determination that could rival any soldier on the battlefield. Their efforts aren’t in vain; they have a passion for chemical free urban farming growing the finest of heirloom veggies. They wage war against certain weeds and embrace the edible ones like dandelion. If there's something in their garden that needs tending to, they'll do whatever it takes to get the job done.  Gardening is America’s number one hobby. When people get hit by the bug...

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How To Deal With Termite Infestation In Your Home

Posted by Jill Yanus on

How To Deal With Termite Infestation In Your Home

Termites are small, winged insects that are known to feed on wood and other cellulose materials. They can cause serious damage to homes and other structures when left unchecked. In order to protect your structure from termite infestations, it is important to understand their biology and behavior. Termites are able to tunnel through wood, soil, and other materials in order to find food. They can travel up to 100 feet from their nest in search of sustenance. Termites live in colonies made up of a queen and her offspring. The queen is responsible for laying eggs that will eventually grow...

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Top Snow and Ice Removal Tips for Homeowners by Stephanie Rogers

Posted by Jill Yanus on

Top Snow and Ice Removal Tips for Homeowners by Stephanie Rogers

There is nothing more quaint in the world of homeownership than throwing on your favorite pair of pajamas, brewing a warm cup of coffee, and watching the snow fall from the comfort of your own living room. Unfortunately, we can’t live our lives as spectators in a winter wonderland indefinitely, and our day-to-day responsibilities will eventually come calling. To help you make your way most effectively in times of winter weather, keep reading for 6 of the best snow and ice removal tips for homeowners.   Keep the Driveway Shoveled to Avoid Accumulation   One of the worst things homeowners...

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