News — organic sprayers
How to Treat Weeds in Artificial Grass and Pavers by Stephanie Rogers
Posted by Jill Yanus on

Weeds are a bane for any type of lawn, with their ability to overtake the planned landscaping a true nightmare for homeowners. Unfortunately for those homeowners choosing artificial grass or other types of pavers for landscaping, going artificial does not completely eliminate a weed infestation. While weeds may not grow as readily in artificial landscaping as they do in natural gardens, they are remarkably adaptable and tend to find a way to infiltrate no matter what type of landscaping method you choose. To help you curb weed growth, keep reading for 4 pro tips on how to treat weeds in...
- Tags: backpack sprayers, backyard garden, best sprayers, chapin, Chapin G362D, chapin hose end sprayers, chapin international, Chapin Manufacturing, Chapin MOE backpack sprayer, chapin sprayers, G362D, gardening, hand pump sprayer, herbicide sprayers, home & garden, homelife, homeowner, lawn & garden, Maintenance, MOE Sprayers, natural sprayers, News, organic lawn care, organic planting, organic sprayers, outdoor life, sprayers, Stephanie Rogers, tank sprayers
Top 3 Summer Insects to Control - by Nick Federoff
Posted by Jill Yanus on

Other than being creepy, crawling, icky and scary what do you know about insects? What might seem like a page from a Stephen King novel, the Smithsonian Institute’s Department of Entomology’s, Terry Erwin, discovered there are some 10 quintillion (that’s with 19 zeros) individual insects alive on the earth. But don’t get worried because there’s only 91,000 species in the U.S. (butterflies number in at 750 species but they’re so cute I’m not sure we should count them). Okay, back to reality there are 300 pounds of insects for every pound of human so easy on those Big Macs. Some...
- Tags: backpack sprayers, backyard garden, best sprayers, chapin, Chapin G362D, chapin hose end sprayers, chapin international, Chapin Manufacturing, Chapin News, chapin sprayers, G362D, gardening, hand pump sprayer, home & garden, homelife, homeowner, insect control, insect sprayers, insecticides, insects, lawn & garden, Maintenance, natural sprayers, News, Nick Federoff, Nick Federoff Blog, organic, organic gardening, organic lawn care, organic planting, organic sprayers, pest sprayers, pesticide sprayers, professional, sprayers, tank sprayers, Things Green
How to Know When to use Organic, Natural or Chemicals In and Around the House
Posted by Jill Yanus on

When I was a kid during Saturday lawn chores you’d hear my dad yell “Get me the Chlordane,” or “Someone didn’t put the “Paraquat away,” and “Go to the hardware store and buy some sodium methyldithiocarbamate (actually he said Vapam).” These are either hardcore insect sprays, weed killers and soil fumigants that have been taken off the market for years. And, let’s not forget the neighbors used to lend this stuff to each other over the fence while eating a sandwich. Today it’s a different story. Insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides, molluscicides and all the “cides” are ever changing in this...
- Tags: backpack sprayers, backyard garden, best sprayers, chapin, chapin international, Chapin Manufacturing, Chapin News, chapin sprayers, gardening, hand pump sprayer, herbicide sprayers, home & garden, homelife, homeowner, lawn & garden, Mixes on Exit sprayers, MOE ATV sprayer, MOE Sprayers, natural sprayers, News, Nick Federoff, Nick Federoff Blog, organic, organic gardening, organic lawn care, organic planting, organic sprayers, outdoor life, pesticide sprayers, sprayers, tank sprayers, Things Green