News — chapin
Chapin International Well Positioned for Growth with Kentucky Investment
Posted by Jill Yanus on

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Chapin International Well Positioned for Growth with Kentucky Investment Batavia, NY, October 9, 2020 – Chapin International is expanding operations to Kentucky with the purchase of the former Eagle Manufacturing facility in Mount Vernon, a municipality in Rockcastle County. The 175,000 square foot facility in the Rockcastle Business Park will provide greatly needed production and warehouse capacity to position the company for further growth. With this facility Chapin’s USA manufacturing and warehousing footprint is over 1.25 million square feet. Clearly by volume and size Chapin International is the largest manufacturer of compressed air sprayers in North America...
- Tags: best sprayers, chapin, chapin hose end sprayers, chapin international, Chapin Kentucky Plant, Chapin Manufacturing, Chapin News, Chapin plant locations, chapin sprayers, Expansion, News
Beneficial Nematodes for Your Garden
Posted by Jill Yanus on

Beneficial nematodes: the good bugs. Beneficial nematodes rank with ladybugs, earthworms, and other insects you want in your garden. These microscopic, unsegmented roundworms prey on more than 200 species of insects. Spraying beneficial nematodes on your lawn and garden is a natural and effective way to combat the harmful insects that wreak havoc with your landscape. While these are roundworms, there is no evidence to support the idea that beneficial nematodes harm humans, pets, or other animals. Three main beneficial nematodes species: Steinernema Carpocapsae, Steinernema Feltiae, Heterohabditis Bacteriophora. Chapin's G362D Hose End Sprayer makes application easy. Soil temperature ranges from...
- Tags: backyard garden, beneficial nematodes, chapin, Chapin G362D, chapin hose end sprayers, chapin international, chapin sprayers, G362D, gardening, homelife, nematodes, organic, organic gardening, outdoor life